Happy Pancake Poem!



Flipping light


A long streak of white moon slides

drops of silver on to a hairy earth.

When a sly street lamp scatter guns

neon candy it bounces

off unsuspecting geometric symmetric

random roof tops.

Neglected horizons fall in line for sunrise.

Everything too tall to beat to the bird song

Is painted orange.

Morning is a grand design.





Enjoy more work inspired by the first thoughts of the morning here and below

38 thoughts on “Happy Pancake Poem!

  1. Thanks so much for the link back. The poem is wonderful. I especially was taken by this line: When a sly street lamp scatter guns

    neon candy it bounces

    off unsuspecting geometric symmetric

    random roof tops.


    • Thank you! I miss the people of WordPress when I have been away even though we never meet in person, it’s funny how much encouragement and positive energy bloggers have for each other. Lovely to connect. Your images and Haikus are so beautifully matched, they always open up a new world to me. I’m excited to follow more of your poetry 201 series.

      Agreed, no matter what the landscape, sunrise is always a beauty! Thankfully!! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: How To Engage Your Blog Readers | Laughing Through Life

    • I just enjoyed your awesome guest post on Janice’s Blog Linda! You offer great advice and I came away with some good tips, like paying attention to the visual side of blogging. Thank you heartily for this pingback! I look forward to your next guest post, you are on a roll!


    • I ate one for you! I came back from the dentist and got told to eat lots of sweet things to test out a filling so have been filling my boots with dessert.

      I just had a great time hanging out on your blog. You have so many exciting projects underway. It’s inspiring to follow your journey and I wish you a big bag of success with everything you are applying yourself to. The aerial work is super impressive.

      Thank you so much for this lovely comment 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy March Zee! Thank you for your awesome comment. Yes, I like mornings when the sun shines 😉 I love the stunning layer of snow your captured in your blog post. I had a top time catching up with your site. Your ‘Running’ poem is a winner! 😉


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