Beyond my Fringe

I am living in a tiny dorm room for a month. The man in front of me picking up hid key asks if there is air con. The receptionist says there’s a window you can open.  

As I trail through a maze of corridors with 2 backpacks I wonder if I truly needed 3 sets of shoes or any of the stuff in my bag. I am ready to abandon all baggage as I find my room. It’s on a stairwell where we all share a bathroom with a big window that the receptionist mentioned. 

The room is tropically hot and I am mopping my brow as I share pleasantries with the resident cleaner. I feel this chap may be instrumental to me having a comfortable stay. Not so as he is filling my head with stories of dead bees. It turns out the community I am staying with has hives of bees and one time a shard of glass was thrown into the colony and a swarm made it through the open window. It gets darker. One resident opened their door to find their bed totally eaten up with bees after coming back from a holiday.  I immediately move for closing all windows then feel the sauna effect of the central heating. Sometimes there is no solution. 

Out of the window is Arthur’s Seat and there is free internet at reception with the chance to meet travelers from all over the world. 

I sit with a strong coffee and say hello to me google. I choke on said coffee to find my theatre review is number 1 bestseller on Amazon in it’s category. Whooop. One way to get the bees out of my head for sure. 

I check again one day later. Ok I am number 2 today. Second to Hamilton. I take that as a win. 

More than anything to find reviews from people who have found it useful pays me back for the year it took to write. 

Edinburgh in the middle of the festival is a great place to celebrate. Surrounded by mine artists and buskers I can happy dance and no one bats an eye lid. Here you can feel free and I mean to take that away from this experience. 

‘Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.’ Oscar Wilde

I share the link to my Theatre Review book here in case you feel like adding a comment. I started blogging 5 years ago and have been inspired by the publications you have put out there.  This is the best place for writers to grow. WordPress bloggers are the perfect partner. No question. 

Find more posts about Partners here

Back to the festival that is going on through out the streets I walking on. It’s amazing to be surrounded by so much expression. I have only seen one show so far. I need to see more to let this energy take me over so I can truly feel part of this city that shines in the Summer time. 

Wishing you a wonderful August and wondering how you will make memories if this sunny season?!

12 thoughts on “Beyond my Fringe

  1. I initially wrote a comment here, but I think my internet cut out and it didn’t post, lol! Sounds like its going to be an adventurous August getting away. Hope it won’t be too hot for you and the bees don’t make an appearance. Congrats on the Amazon eBook publication and it is a very interesting topic, how to write a review. Usually I find writing reviews hard if I didn’t enjoy the experience, and also I am quite a slow person who likes to take their time to do things 😀 So excited and happy for your publication 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Mabel. Thankfully the bees are separated now completely from the place I am staying. The staff are very keen to keep the windows closed those! I loved your evocative piece on live performance and how it enters our personality. Great insights. Here’s to lots more great times this Summer! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Good to see you blogging Lita en geluk met jou boek, I bet it didn’t take 90 minutes to write yur 90 minute. Whatever you do – do not leave the little red shoes behind. And celebrate that you your book need not be a fan (for the heat) as you have enough fans of your book

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ek is innig dankbaar vir die aanmoediging. I have to say sometimes I find it difficult to blog. I try to wait until something feels important or stands out to me. But then I miss connecting and feeling the support of the blogging community! August is my favourite month and everything is making me happy now. Sending much joy to you my friend.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Lovely to hear form you Paula! Hope you are enjoying the Summer. I just had a fab catch up on your poetry. Beautiful. I have reviewed theatre shows for a while now so this is building on that. It’s a fun thing to do with lots of free tickets and benefits! Here’s to lots of sunshine and many good things for you.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much. I like bees. Just not so many of them in one go! It’s great to finally get a book up on amazon – I had a few false starts! Hope life is good with you. Enjoy your weekend. October is looking quite crispy and warm this end !

      Liked by 1 person

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