Tweet Plays




Performed with a selection of tweet plays at Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh

We lost Tara

-U lost Rhett

I was careless

-It’s curtains

No it’s my new dress

-With no bonnet or battalion our lands gone

A great review of the performances can be found here

Audience comments from the night… ‘Loved it! Great to see so many people watching and enjoying’  ‘Lots of laughs and recognition’  ‘Great tweet plays’  ‘Huge congrats .. for some inspired performances’   ‘Really enjoyed the twitter plays’




Open Court at the Royal Court




Conversation on the bus stop for Blenheim

– Is this the bus to Blenheim?

We pick up over there.

– Is this bus going to Blenheim?

I’m just dropping off here.

– But this bus goes to Blenheim?

I got to go up and turn it around first then you get on.  Pick up across the street.

– So you are going to Blenheim?

In a minute yes.




photo 2

MAN – Lights are on

WOMAN – No one answers

MAN – Her old house burnt

STRANGER – Thought you would lead me to her


STRANGER – Brings us out of darkness into light


Royal Court Theatre GRIT Installation January 16th 2015:


-It won’t fit

+It’s dead bolted

-It’s just locked

+We once found a way out

-It’s stuck

+And then they sealed up the door




Edinburgh Book Festival Tweet Stories 2014:


The mountain range held the culprit safe but there was no way out.

The beauty held her.

If only she had found this place sooner.

11 thoughts on “Tweet Plays

  1. I wish I could visit and see the tweet plays! 140 characters or less to tell the story?!? Once I followed the link I understood more of what the concept behind twitter plays was. What a neat idea! I don’t want to give it away but guess which novels these tweet plays are from! Great job Lita! A classic favorite of mine!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Frankly my dear, I loved this. Your clever wordplay leads, creating that subtext those familiar with the reference would identify, while the story itself remains intact. I uh-DOOR that Bus play–but feel I missed something on the final tweet play. Impressive that you included stage direction, there, though in that limited confine.

    You should fully explore this brevity. It’s an amazing new art form! I mean, Reminds me a bit of that shortest story ever: For Sale–Baby Shoes–Never Worn. A play is a whole new ball game!

    Can you imagine Marilyn Monroe doing Bus Tweet? It would have to be a smaller waterfall!! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: too regal to reach fifty | litadoolan

  4. Never heard of Tweet Plays but they are very amusing and playful. Especially love Gone with the Wind. “it’s curtains. No, it’s my new dress.” Read that yesterday and I’m still chuckling.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I feel sure you could fire off some great tweet plays from your phone Alex! Watch out though, it can be highly addictive!!

      Sometimes local theatres invite these tweets and compile them in a show so that’s worth looking out for! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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