New year new semester

Watching the students return to their halls after holidays to start the new semester is engaging.  Their bags full of fresh binders and heads brimming with renewed commitment makes me want to jump on in and learn something new so I check out my options.

The online courses google suggests are inspiring and lots of my friends are texting me about the joy they are getting from learning via the internet.  The power of the web to inform and inspire, just like the fresh students pulling up at the Uni gates, is unstoppable.

One pal is doing local history studies another an MBA, we all seem to be on different paths but as study lifts our horizons we all share a similar view.  This is a comforting thought that keeps old friends, who are separated by motorways and timezones, together!

Click here to read my new playella! ‘Fresher Juice’

I wonder what would shake your horizon…

3 thoughts on “New year new semester

  1. I took a creative writing class a few years back, and it was great to get on campus–well, Santa Barbara has several lurvely ones, beachfront you know–but it was so stimulating. I feel I want to go to school forever (Dad was a prof doc of physics) and think your idea to keep learning is the elixir of both happiness & youth.


    • Studying near the beachfront sounds the best of all worlds! There is something about being on a campus that lets lots of ideas free creatively. Being around other knowledge hunters also sparks the process too!

      (Wow Physics! That always impresses me!)

      Here’s to you, the original soul-Sistah! (in a happy sense)


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